With a considerable experience in the domain of manufacturing and supplying of PVC Pipes has helped us to build a vast customer base across the nation. The entire range encompasses HDPE Pipe Fitting Drainage Pipes Plb HDPE Ducts Irrigation Pipes PVC Cable Pipes and Braided PVC Pipes. Our range is highly appreciated for low maintenance durability high tensile strength leakage resistance resistivity to adverse conditions and corrosion resistance. Our range of Kothari Rigid PVC Pipes is manufactured in accordance with Bureau of Indian Standards guidelines conforming to IS:4985 under very strict supervision. The range we offer is manufactured using suspension grade PVC resin and necessary additives to form exact compounds. Also UPVC RPVC CM & CS casing pipes are manufactured as per IS 4985-2000 & IS 12818-1992 standards. These pipes are widely used in various sectors like agriculture telecommunication automatic signaling computer network railway networks and highways. Clients can avail our range in customized solutions at competitive prices. Apart from this we are also involved in offering high quality Sprinklers.
With sophisticated facilities thorough research and stringent quality checks we have enabled ourselves to meet the industry standards. High-grade raw material is used by our experienced professionals for fabricating excellent quality products. The range we offer is available in different sizes as per the specifications mentioned by the clients. Our customer friendly approach along with quality range of pipes has enabled us to build a vast customer base across the nation. Further we make sure that all the requirements of our clients are fulfilled effectively and efficiently on time.
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Indore, Madhya Pradesh